As the leading packaging provider to the cannabis industry, eBottles is dedicated to sourcing products from expertly vetted and qualified vendors. Our quality materials are sourced with a curated network of global and domestic suppliers that are committed to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).
All vendors are required to conduct an eBottles specific annual GMP self-assessment for each of their facilities. A score is generated by the assessment and ranks the results for each of the facilities.
The assessment is structured in sections to cover all aspects of the production and quality controls as follows:
We review each section of the assessment to establish areas for improvement in specific facilities. Through the assessment process, we evaluate whether a prospective vendor aligns with the criteria for establishing a relationship with eBottles and strategically plan our annual audit visits to selected facilities. New vendors are only authorized to initiate supply after successful qualification.
During assessment reviews, we engage in discussions with vendors about improvement opportunities, aiming to secure their commitment to allocate resources towards mutually agreed-upon goals.
eBottles establishes visitation plans at the start of each business cycle driven by our commitment to quality and continual evaluation of new and current vendors. The performance of our vendors in terms of quality, their success after formal commitment to improve performance, and our drive for innovation are essential drivers behind the eBottles supply chain and our dynamic sourcing process.